CF/A-17 Wraith class superiority fighter
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Appereance : In game or e.g. in Open rebelion cinematics
CF/A-17 Wraith class superiority fighter
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Appereance : In game or e.g. in Open rebelion cinematics
Versatile, light armoured, but heavily armed tactical fighter. Wraith is cca 15m long three-wing ship, propelled with one main thruster and two additional thrusters. Two wings are in horizontal position and the third is situated vertically underneath the cockpit, resembling ship keel. The wings are roughly the same size : cca 8m. In the main axis, where all the wings intersect, is the cockpit for one pilot and behind it is the main thruster. The pilot is equipped with a helmet with radio, oxigen mask protective glasses with HUD display and light compensator. Wraith is equipped with life support, air filter, ejection seat, HUD, radar and autopilot. It is capable of flying in atmosphere or in vacuum. It´s the fastest terran ship and it´s top speed can exceed three machs. The CF/A-17G type is armed with three 25mm impulse lasers [...], one on each wing. The lasers cannons are non-stationary so they can focus fire. All types of Wraiths are armed with anti-air Gemini missiles [...]. Wraith can carry two packs of 20 missiles located under the wings. They are accurate and powerful way to deal with enemies, that can´t be hit by lasers. CF/A-17G Wraiths are also equipped with ship cloaking device [...], powered from the Apollo reactor [...]. Wraiths are not able to fly with superlight speeds therefore they are transported in cargoships [...] or battlecruisers [...] between solar systems.